In today's society, we don't have news... we have entertainment shows that dress up like news and use someone else's hard footwork, expense, and true unbiased information to dress up like a "News Cast", when in fact it's just commentary. A soap box to stand on the work of a REAL journalist and spread bias and create fear to further an agenda, an agenda that makes sure to keep people separate, ignorant, and angry.
One perfect example is the Blank "News" Channel and it's mates talking about "Obama Care". I spoke with an Insurance Agent who was trying to convince me why it's such a bad thing. He said that in a recent mass meeting they were informed about what the bill entitled and the logistics including the costs. Now, I'm not sure why he told me this information as a platform to support the Insurance status quo. I suppose that people with high income and company provided insurance might agree, but I still really don't see how, since they wouldn't be effected and it is illogical when you have the FACTS. So when I asked him about people with pre-existing conditions(me being one of those people)he told me that if I needed a CAT Scan I could just pay for one. The last CT Scan I priced, before the Pre-Existing Health Insurance Plan, was $2,000.00. Do you have a liquid $2,000.00, you know, just to throw around? So, here it is, the TRUTH...
Under the Affordable Care Act(I'm going to use a family of four example for this)for a family of four, two parents mid-forties, children are fourteen and twelve, the cost of their PRIVATE health insurance is $20,000.00 per year which is $400 per person monthly $1,600 a month total. Holy Crap! I can't afford that with my deductible! My husband/wife/partner and I don't make that much! Well, what you are not told is that you who can't afford that, those that fall under the yearly earnings which is, and I'm sorry I forgot what that number is, but it's quite realistic, you get a check for $12,000.00 plus at tax time with your refund, or at refund time you are given a refund check for the total of your deductible payments for the year. So, a family of four is paying $8,000.00 per year for PRIVATE insurance which is $160 per person at $660.00 per month and your deductibles are refunded back to you. If you are under the average yearly earnings that I was talking about the insurance is less than that. They have tiers based on a families Net earnings, not Gross!(what you actually get paid, not before they take the taxes out). Also, you know that BIG PENALTY THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO CHARGE YOU FOR NOT HAVING INSURANCE...guess what they are going TO CHARGE YOU $96.00!(or $98.00 I wrote it down and can't find it).
So, all this talk and Tea Party yelling is this. The Government is simply putting it's foot down on the Insurance Companies and Doctors that have wrought this upon themselves by the unprecedented, substantially extravagant pay for service abuse. And, to also make available insurance to those like me, which has to be in the millions, who have pre-existing conditions. The fact that there was never an option in the first place is unconscionable. I fell and broke my neck and due to mistakes and malfeasance, I am permanently damaged and the company I worked for used unethical means to wrongfully terminate me, Oh....sorry, you have a pre-existing condition, we "can't" insure you so, forgive me... but since there are so many people I know that have pre-existing conditions, or don't have insurance because it is impossible to pay for and there is no tier by income options...I don't see anyone coming up with a better solution.
In closing, I want to say that this is not Obamacare, this is called the Affordable Care Act written by Congress not the President, it passed by votes that go through the House and Senate like every other bill. Be informed, not propagandized... research, read, and act. If you don't like this bill, don't form a protest with hateful signs, call names like "All Democrats are Communists", yell and swear...on both sides!! Create a think tank and come up with ideas to bring to the Government, the problems are apparent, but I see no one having a rally with signs of solutions. I am not a "Party" person, and I feel that both sides are a mess, so it's up to us to bring ideas to the career politicians that have lost their vision and commitment to their constituents. Because after the Supreme Court ruling January 2010, "Citizen's United" was passed. That means that Corporations can raise unlimited funds(anonymously) to support or bash a Candidate, whether it be U.S. Representative or a Senator, and it gives them the same rights as people. In plain terms multi-billion dollar corporations are considered "The People". I wonder who our Senators are voting for?