Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reaching Out to The Faceless Masses...

I find it amazing that this beautiful sky finds it's way over all of us... the wind in the trees, the leaves turning and falling, the cycles of everything, as people; birth, bonding, assertion, groping, growing, stumbling, falling, learning, becoming more in tune with your world as age comes upon you, aging, growing old, and death.  As the cyclical world, the organic and the real, not the technological inorganic unfeeling world; birth, bonding, growth, instinct, growing, family/reproduction, aging, wisdom, grace, and death.

I look at our natural world, animals, plants, flowers, trees, sunsets, mountains, stars... and the unseen, the wind, the way the light changes subtly as fall comes, and see and feel the graceful cyclical peace.  The unbroken chain of interdependence of each and every thing and I feel the squeezing in my chest at the clear and untarnished purity and unspoken intertwining of all, and grasp for the affinity of our natural world in my own world of ignorance, hatred, bigotry, lies, selfishness, carelessness, and oh, so much more.

We have technology, and we abuse it.  It's used for hateful "comments", "tirades of hate", and all of the execution of cowards safely tucked away behind their computers.  Instead of incorporating this into our world in a natural and cyclical way by using it to communicate in a way that would inspire change and inform those who are uninformed, we continue to remain silent.  If we don't remain silent, we speak only of ourselves and indulge our egos in a gross and one sided manner.  Very few blogs invite dialog, a "Here, here"... or a "You are so right!" comment (moderated for only those that will stroke that monologue ego) are the majority.

It makes me sad looking at this beautiful sunset and thinking how many of us missed it.  It makes me sad that with an election coming up with so many enormous issues on the board, there is no articulate dialog.  Most of all I am sad that when I started this blog, I thought, "This can be our coffee house, our place to speak"...yet it remains silent.  I had really hoped that with all of the enlightened and intelligent people this has been sent to, not one person has had an issue to bring to the table or a discussion/topic to raise.  It makes me think I should just go back to Facebook and put up "Happy face, hiding behind the mask" status updates... at least people had input there.

I am truly hoping that if I keep writing and keep asking someone will step up and be brave enough to say what they are really thinking.... The sun will continue to rise and set and the natural world will continue to fluidly coincide, unfortunately I can't say the same for us.  We are on a fast track to the destruction of all that we hold sacred.  We have already lost our Constitution, how much more are we willing to lose before we start talking about a solution, because dear ones, the solution lies within us.  We are the ones that are to take up the torch and we aren't doing much in that direction.

In love and hope....

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